Sometimes I can think about my dad, and think about who he was and try to remember him as if he is still here- like how he would feel about certain things going on in life- politics, our religion, milestones in my life and my girls' lives. It is nice to feel like you knew a person well enough to know how he would feel about things. Of course, I wish I had known him even more. What I love about my dad is that he had his opinions and feelings, but he didn't push them on anyone. He knew how he felt, but if someone he loved felt differently, he was willing to change how he felt because he respected and valued those close to him, and if he felt differently about a situation, he could just keep that to himself and not try to change anyone's opinion. My dad valued the relationships more in his life than being right or caring if we all felt the same way. He never tried to change anyone's mind on things. I highly respect that.
I've been more emotional about my dad not being here in the recent past than my usual state. I've had some minor health issues, that required a doctor's visit. Almost 5 years to the day of this appointment to the same type of doctor, my dad went so out of his way for me. We were living in Las Vegas and I needed a colonoscopy. Mark needed to work, and I had Emily, who was only 2.5 at the time. I wasn't comfortable leaving Emily with very many people, nor was she. My dad drove down from Las Vegas for the day to drive me and pick me up from my procedure, and take care of Emily. He took her to the park and played with her for several hours. It was such a service to me, but he acted like it was all for him. He told me how much he enjoyed spending time with Emily and really getting to know her more. When my dad had spent time with Emily in the past, it was usually with several family members around. They had a great time together that day. My dad drove home that evening, to go to work the next day. When I went to my appointment a couple of days ago, I thought about that day 5 years ago. I had no idea how incredibly lucky I was to have a dad like that. That was just the norm for me. He has been gone now for 3.5 years, and it is still hard. I miss him. Mostly I miss that my kids don't get to grow up with him. My girls talk about him, and I love that. They really will not have any idea what they are missing, and I guess that is good not to know. However, he has blessed their lives in so many ways- then and now. I think he watches over them. That is just who he is.
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